Netwerkpro is internationally active
in several innovative projects
The Green Step represents a partnership between various European organizations, that aim to follow a holistic approach to support, raise awareness and build capacity about environmental and climate-change challenges in the sphere of adult education. The partners of the project have identified gaps in adult education, regarding responsible citizenship and climate change. The purpose of the project is to educate adult educators and learners to develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviors for addressing the problems mentioned above.
- To enhance awareness of the need for future-oriented curricula and methodologies for non-formal adult education that addresses the environmental and climate challenges of today’s societies.
- To experiment with new approaches to learning for sustainability and validate them empirically
- To test innovative practices that will transform adult educators and learners, especially learners with migrant background, to eco-conscious, true agents for change
- To promote a flexible, local learning programs adapted to the learning needs of adults, including migrants, around the issues of environmental sustainability, climate change and behavioral (inner) transformation
- To engage the wider adult education community, as well as local sustainability stakeholders (local learning centers, civil society, NGO’s, public authorities, etc.) to support learners, especially migrant learners, transition to greener economies and societies by equipping them with skills for green job and motivating them to adopt sustainable lifestyles.
Netwerkpro is the project coordinator of this collaboration.
Our partners are:
Synthesis Center for Research and Education Ltd., Cyprus Website
Cooperative Sociale Glocal Factory, Italy Website
LAG Napoca Porolissum, Romania Website
FO-Aarhus, Denmark. Website
The Green Step is co-sponsored by Erasmus+ and the European Union.